As part of the Blog tour, Writing duo M. B. Vincent asked their central character, Jess Castle to answer the following questions.
Tell me about your latest book and why we should read it?
Jess Castle and the Eyeballs of Death is a picturesque mystery with rollicking humour and seriously grisly murders. It’ll give you red herrings and plenty of clues to wade through while you get to know the residents of Castle Kidbury.
If someone was to write your life story what would the title be?
A. Why would they bother?
B. Who would read it?
C. All right then: When the Going Gets Tough Out Come the Mars Bars.
What’s the strangest fan question or request you’ve received?
People ask me if I’m an amateur sleuth first and a lecturer second when in fact I’m simply connoisseur of Monster Munch.
If you could co-write with anyone in the world (alive or dead) who would it be?
I don’t think either of the M. B. Vincent duo are fit to write with anyone else.
Tell me something nobody else knows about you (yet!).
I once got hemmed in at an old folks Christmas lunch at a local pub. I won the bingo and went home with a three-month supply of Sanatogen.
Finally please recommend 3 books that you have recently read .
1. In regeneration: The Rebirth of Pagan Practices in the Sub-Roman British Isles by Professor Roxford Devoy
2. Witches Incarnate: A re-examination of the Role of Medieval Mothers and Grandmothers by Dr. Jozette Carrington
3. Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James
Jess Castle is running away. Again. This time she’s running back home, like she swore she never would.
Castle Kidbury, like all small towns, hums with gossip but now it’s plagued with murder of the most gruesome kind. Jess instinctively believes that the hippyish cult camped out on the edge of town are not responsible for the spate of crucifixions that blights the pretty landscape. Her father, a respected judge, despairs of Jess as she infiltrates the cult and manages, not for the first time, to get herself arrested.
Rupert Lawson, a schooldays crush who’s now a barrister, bails her out. Jess ropes in a reluctant Rupert as she gatecrashes the murder investigation of DS Eden. A by-the-book copper, Eden has to admit that intuitive, eccentric Jess has the nose of a detective.
As the gory murders pile up, there’s nothing to connect the victims. And yet, the clues are there if you look hard enough.