Tell me about the person behind the blog?
Hello… I’m Shell, I live in the Black Country with my kitty and my two teenagers. I am 40 this year….blimey should I really be telling you that! But age is only a number right?! I love reading and have done since the age of 13 since I learnt to read! Yep you read that right. Since then I have read hundreds of books. I read anything from 3 to 5 books a week….making up for lost time time LOL When I’m not reading you will find me down the pub taking selfies Ha Ha
When did you start blogging and why?
After my months of not being able to read after my mom sadly passed away. I just didn’t have an attention span. I joined a group that wrote reviews for someone else’s blog, Kinda like a guest reviewer. The whole idea was to get me back into reading and having a set date for reviews to be sent in by this is what I needed. After 8 months of doing that I started my own blog in November 2015 and I haven’t looked back since.
What are your proudest moments or achievements to date as a blogger?
I have quite a few to be honest from being a character in a few books. Quoted on the back of a book cover, being in the acknowledgements. Going to book events like Harrogate and meeting authors and bloggers. Everything really blogging has totally changed my life and I love it.
If you had to breakdown the components of your ideal perfect book what would they be?
A brilliant prologue, a book has to grab me from the first couple of pages. I love dark and gritty reads…the darker the better. I love an unexpected twist and I am a stucker for a book cover.
What is your favourite genre to read?
Without a doubt it has to be Crime Thriller
What 3 books would you recommend and why?
OMG…you are joking me?! I honestly can’t pick just three!
Finally, tell me more about your blog and why we should subscribe?
My blog is full of reviews from published authors to self published one’s. I have to say I am big on sharing the book love for self published. I feel there are far to many authors out there and they don’t the promotion they should. I have author Q&A interviews and Character interviews.
Feels really strange that I am now in the interview chair…Thank so much for having me Tracy
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