Tell me about Sue, the person behind the blog?
My name is Sue. I’ve been married for 34 years.Two grown children. I live in UK. Registered disabled but I’m also a carer for my husband and daughter. I love reading, have done from an early age. It gives me some “me” time. I love interacting with fellow readers and bloggers, plus authors.
When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging the books I review around 14 years ago. My blog is mostly for my reviews and anyone who likes to keep up with what I’m reading. I started first off to advertise new authors Indie/self published authors. Now over the past few years I’ve moved onto published authors too. I can share from Goodreads to my blog, and from my blog to Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter so this helps to advertise authors books. I enjoy what I do. It’s for me as my hobby but it’s also to bring attention to authors books that may pass some book lovers by. I also add tour details if I’ve read the book as well.
What are your proudest moments or achievements todate as a blogger?
oh….getting part of my review on a front cover with my name!
Being a character in a book.
When someone comments or messages me and says they have read a book on my recommendation/review and loved it. That gives me a warm glow as I feel I’ve helped an authors sell and get others to look at their other books they have written.
Beta reading a book for someone and my feedback being noted even though I’m not an author!
If you had to breakdown the components of your ideal perfect book what would they be?
Abduction- kidnap- suspense-red herrings-never saw that coming
What is your favourite genre to read?
Psychological thrillers. But I also love drama, family, literature and anything that gets me from at least the first chapter.
If you had to choose (only) 3 books to recommend what would they be and why?
Oh so hard to choose 3. The lucky ones by Mark Edwards as it’s one of the latest I read plus, he really comes up with some fab storylines that make me wonder where this authors minds at!!!! Liar by KL Later. Her books have continued to keep my psychological heart thumping with every beat she writes. The crying boy by Jane E James. It was a book I love to hate. It’s so creepy, it’s real, it made me shut my eyes and left me with goosebumps after. My signed copy is on my shelf but I daren’t look into that child’s face, I go over all unnecessary
Finally, tell me more about your blog and why we should subscribe?
I would love to interact with more readers on my blog and get comments. I read a varied amount of genres and at least 200 books per year. You just might find something that takes your interest! I’m fun too! When you get to know me and of course……I’m a member of TBC! Say no more!
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