Slightly shocked and definitely “almost” speechless to be nominated by the wonderful Gemma Gaskarth for the Blogger Recognition Award, especially as my blog is so new (2 months old this week).
Gemma’s brilliant blog Between the Pages Bookclub has just turned ONE and you should check it out here
I set up CompulsiveReaders last December whilst I took a sabbatical from running THE Book Club on Facebook. As much as I love the banter and interaction and recommendations on the group, I personally was feeling that my passion for reading was being overtaken by moderating the group and doing admin related tasks, so I took a step back to try to rekindle my passion of books. It was whilst looking through my Goodreads books that I decided to set up my own website where I can rave about my favourite books without worrying about over promoting a particular author. This website was born through my love of books and I hope that others will enjoy reading my recommendations.
Apparently I need to give 2 pieces of advice which is a bit awkward as I am still a rookie, but my first and most important piece of advice would be to be 100% honest in your reviews. Don’t rave about a book just because everyone else is, or you know the author or you have been sent the book by the publisher. Be honest and impartial always.
Secondly, do it for yourself. Don’t set up a blog expecting international fame and fortune, do it because you want to share your passion and opinion with the world, if the world wants to listen!
I would now like to nominate these 15 wonderful bloggers for the award.
- Joanne Robertson MychestnutReadingTree
- Sharon Bairden ChapterinmyLife
- Sarah Hardy BytheLetterBookReviews
- Linda Hill LindasBookBag
- Jen Lucas JenMedsBookReviews
- Noelle Holten CrimeBookjunkie
- Kate Moloney BibliophileBookClub
- Lainy Swanson AlwaysReading
- Jessica Johnson JessicasreadingRoom
- Janice Leibowitz JansBookBuzz
- Kristopher Zgorski Bolobooks
- Kate Noble TheQuietKnitter
- Emma Reed Screenwiper
- Helen Claire Baattyaboutbooks
- Lorraine Rugman TheBookReviewCafe
Being nominated means I have to oblige to certain rules:
1) Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2) Write a post to show your award.
3) Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4) Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
5) Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
6) Let your 15 bloggers know you have nominated them with a link to the post you have created.