MY TOP TEN BOOKS FOR 2016 Another incredible year for books and once again almost impossible to narrow my Top 10 books down to only 10 out of the 130+…
My Top Ten Books of 2015
MY TOP TEN BOOKS OF 2015 2015 was a phenomenal year for debut books and it was a tough decision getting it down to only 10. I chose a variety…
Ten Books that I Always Recommend (Part 1)
Well it’s been over a month since I last compiled a Top Ten list and thought instead of favourite serial killers or characters I’d most like to marry I would…
Ten Books That Made Me Say “WTF!!!”
I don’t know about you, but I personally love a good headf*ck in a book. Typically one that makes me say “WTF!!!”
My Top Ten Crime Busters
What makes a good police detective? Well in real life I would assume it’s diligence, professionalism, a stable and reliable strong team player
My Top Ten Books That Made Me See Differently
The lovely people at Hodder & Stoughton asked me to get involved in their Twitter campaign this week
My Top 10 Fictional Characters
Everyone has at least one fictional character they fall in love with, or dream about, or laugh and cry with – and I want to share with you my favourite…
My Top 10 Books – Psychological Thrillers
I do love a list.. and I love telling everyone I know about great books, so what could be better than a list of my TOP TEN books in the…