Hope To Die – David Jackson (DS Nathan Cody #2)

About the Book: When the victim seems perfect, is it the perfect crime? The gripping new serial killer thriller, from the runaway bestselling author of CRY BABY.

On a snowy December evening, Mary Cowper is walking her dog through the churchyard of Liverpool Cathedral – and that’s when the killer strikes.

Put on the case, DS Nathan Cody is quickly stumped. Wherever he digs, Mary seems to be almost angelic – no-one has a bad word to say about her, let alone a motive for such a violent murder.

And Cody has other things on his mind too. The ghosts of his past are coming ever close, and – still bearing the physical and mental scars – it’s all he can do to hold onto his sanity.

And then the killer strikes again . . .

About the Author: David Jackson is the author of a series of crime thrillers featuring Irish-American NYPD Detective Callum Doyle. The first in the series, Pariah, was Highly Commended in the Crime Writers Association Debut Dagger Awards. It is published by Pan Macmillan. His writing influences include Ed McBain, Dennis Lehane, George Pelecanos, Robert Crais, Michael Connelly and Harlan Coben, amongst many others. His favourite quote about his work is one from the Guardian, now carried on the front of his novels: ‘Recalls Harlan Coben – though for my money Jackson is the better writer.’  DS Nathan Cody is a new series.

My Review:  I absolutely LOVED David Jackson’s Callum Doyle series and therefore was very excited when he started a new series with a new detective and read the first book A Tapping At My Window back in April 2016 which I really did enjoy, but to be honest I felt like I was cheating on Callum because I loved that series so much.  It’s taken me quite a while to get around to reading the second book in this series which was published in April 2017 and to be perfectly honest the only reason I read it was because his new book Don’t Make A Sound is coming out soon and word on the street is that it’s BLOODY BRILLIANT – I suffer from BOCD (Book OCD) and have to read books in order and therefore started this book yesterday.

Well, what can I say about Hope to Die?  The fact I started it yesterday and finished it last night means it’s “UNPUTDOWNABLE“.  The fact that I was ignoring my family and everything around me means it’s “GRIPPING“.  The fact I had no idea who the serial killer was means it’s “FULL OF TWISTS”.   I could go on about the brilliant Nathan Cody and his sense of humour, his dry wit, his backstory and personal demons, his relationships with his colleagues and superiors, his ability to solve crimes, but I won’t… all I will say is “I’m sorry Callum – but you’ve been dumped”.

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