For seven years, Vancouver nurse Cindy James reported more than 100 separate incidents of harassment, ranging from threatening phone calls to home invasions to ritualistic assaults, including strangulations and stabbings. Canada’s Royal Mounted Police spent over a million dollars investigating her claims and found zero evidence of foul play, leading them to suspect she was making it all up. Then, in 1989, Cindy was found dead, bound and naked, half a mile from where her car was parked in a shopping mall. What happened to Cindy James remains one of the most bizarre and perplexing true crime stories in recent memory.
Death by Unknown Event illuminates the enigmatic context around James’s life, the efforts and failures of law enforcement, and the lingering theories around how she died from those closest to the case.

My Review:
This fascinating 12 episode Podcast which is FREE to Amazon Audible Members looks at the case of Cindy James, a nurse who over the course of seven years reported over 100 incidents of harrassment, stalking, physical attacks and threats against her and finr hands tied behind her back miles from her car.
Whilst the attacks and suffering Cindy went through are horrific enough, the fact that the police decided this was all in Cindy’s head and she was the perpetrator leaves the listener astonished and shocked.
Pamela Adlon is the narrator, she is both professional and unbiased throughout the podcast, unearthing interviews and transcripts from Cindy’s friends, family, neighbours and the police records.
There are references to sexual and physical abuse, rape, cults and mental health issues throughout each episode, so the listener is warned in advance not to listen if any of these topics are triggers.