Tell me about the person behind the blog?
Randomly messy, always falling over piles of books, occasionally shrieky terrible parent of 3. And a Tesco girl. As in my day job.
When did you start blogging and why?
About 3 years ago to give me something constructive to do rather than wandering the house in my spare time trying to get out of the housework.
What are your proudest moments or achievements todate as a blogger?
Every time someone enjoys a book they’ve picked up on my say so you’ll see a beaming smile. It’s scary when I smile though so I do it secretly. Also helping Neil White and Steve Cavanagh with the Making a Murderer original post on my blog was probably the best fun I’ve had. Those guys are both incredible writers as well as being extraordinary legal eagles and that post was and is the most popular ever.
If you had to breakdown the components of your ideal perfect book what would they be?
Anything in any genre that manages to actually surprise me. I don’t really think of books being constructed (although I’m in awe at how some of them build) and reading such a lot it takes a lot to really get my blood up.
What is your favourite genre to read?
I read more crime and crime related books than anything else just because I’ve become such an active member of that incredibly inclusive and wonderful bunch of people. But a bit like Matt Haig my favourite genre is “book”.
If you had to recommend (only) 3 books which would they be and why?
All the Wicked Girls Chris Whitaker because it’s just simply the best book I’ve read quality wise for a decade. Weightless by Sarah Bannan because I still think about that story all the time and the beautifully quirky way it was told. And The Burning Air by Erin Kelly as the one book that genuinely made me actually yell out WTF at one particular point with a beautifully placed sentence that turned the story on its head – many authors have done good twists in the tale since but nobody so far, in my honest opinion, has yet done it better.
Finally, tell me more about your blog and why we should subscribe?
Blimey no idea. I hope people who pass by enjoy my book rambles and come back to visit again. The only thing I can promise is lots of books to consider and my own entirely honest but subjective thoughts on them. If that sounds ok then pop along! Everybody welcome.
To read more about Liz and subscribe to her blog click here.