Journalist Ben Harper is on his way home when he sees the flames in the churchyard. The derelict community centre is on fire. And somebody is trapped inside.
With Ben’s help the person escapes, only to flee the scene before they can be identified. Now the small town of Haddley is abuzz with rumours. Was this an accident, or arson?
Then a skeleton is found in the burnt-out foundations.
And when the identity of the victim is revealed, Ben is confronted with a crime that is terrifyingly close to home. As he uncovers a web of deceit and destruction that goes back decades, Ben quickly learns that in this small town, everybody has something to hide.
Book Info: Print length: 377 pages. Publisher: Sphere. Publication Date: 30 March 2023

My Thoughts:
Eleven Liars in the second book in the Ben Harper series and follows on from Twelve Secrets (see my review here). Whilst this book can be read as a standalone, I always recommend reading the series in order especially as this series is very character led with some fascinating back stories.
The main character Ben Harper is a true crime journalist and about to launch a podcast based on what happened in the previous book and it’s on his way home to the small town of Haddley when he spots flames coming from an abandoned building next to the church.
As he gets nearer to the burning building he spots a figure trapped inside and bravely rescues them before they run away unidentified. As the fire crews battle with the flames they then discover the remains of a skeleton who appears to have been buried under the foundations years and years ago.
This case has a personal link to several of the main characters in the series and we follow each of their stories trying to connect the dots and work out who, why and how this skeleton was killed and left under the building.
Eleven Liars is another complex and twisty story with a cast of interesting characters and some very deadly secrets that they are desperate to keep hidden.