A Quickie with Ross Greenwood

Tell me about your latest book and why we should read it?

My latest book is called Fifty Years of Fear. It tells the story of a man who struggles to deal with modern life. It is an extremely thought provoking read, focusing on a part of life which is either unknown or misunderstood.

If someone was to write your life story what would the title be?

He had a lot of jobs!

What’s the strangest fan question or request you’ve received?

Will you come to my son’s birthday party? Hmm. No. The lady asking was 70.

If you could co-write with anyone in the world (alive or dead) who would it be?

Tolkien – The scope of his work is hard to comprehend.

Tell me something nobody else knows about you (yet!).

Years ago, I worked for a boiler company like the one in The Wolf of Wall Street.

Finally please recommend 3 books that you have recently read and tell me why you’ve chosen these.

The Watcher – Netta Newbound

I loved this book. A tongue in cheek serial killer that had me hooked.

Bad sons – Oliver Tidy

It was hard to say exactly why I liked this book, but the main character really struck a chord with me and I read it in a few days, and went straight onto the next in the series. I wanted to know what happened to him next.

Hellbound – David McCaffrey

I met David at a TBC group and then bought his book. It was different from everything else I was reading at the time and I enjoyed it because of that. Extremely well written and researched and an interesting teasing plot.

Who is Ross Greenwood:

I was born in 1973 in Peterborough and lived there until I was 20, attending The King’s School in the city. I then began a rather nomadic existence, living and working all over the country and various parts of the world.

I found myself returning to Peterborough many times over the years, usually when things had gone wrong. It was on one of these occasions that I met my partner about 100 metres from my back door whilst walking a dog. Two children swiftly followed. I’m still a little stunned by the pace of it now.

Lazy Blood book was started a long time ago but parenthood and then four years as a prison officer got in the way. Ironically it was the four a.m. feed which gave me the opportunity to finish the book as unable to get back to sleep I completed it in the early morning hours.

My second book, The Boy Inside, was picked up by Bloodhound Books, and now, Fifty Years of Fear, is out now. All my books are thought provoking, and told with a sense of humour.

I hope you enjoy reading them.


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