The Broken – Tammy Cohen

The Broken – Tammy Cohen – Genre – Psychological Thriller

Best friends tell you everything; about their kitchen renovation; about their little girl’s schooling. How one of them is leaving the other for a younger model.

Best friends don’t tell lies. They don’t take up residence on your couch for weeks. They don’t call lawyers. They don’t make you choose sides.

Best friends don’t keep secrets about their past. They don’t put you in danger.

Best friends don’t always stay best friends.

My Review:  wow. I feel like I have been on a emotional roller coaster and ended up facing the wrong way. Tammy Cohen has a way of writing books that I adore and her characters are so unlikeable or unstable that I can only hope she has a very vivid imagination and doesn’t base them on any one she knows as they are scary!

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