She’s a friendly voice on the phone. But can you trust her?
The people who call End of the Line need hope. They need reassurance that life is worth living. But some are unlucky enough to get through to Laura. Laura doesn’t want them to hope. She wants them to die.
Laura hasn’t had it easy: she’s survived sickness and a difficult marriage only to find herself heading for forty, unsettled and angry. She doesn’t love talking to people worse off than she is. She craves it.
But now someone’s on to her—Ryan, whose world falls apart when his pregnant wife ends her life, hand in hand with a stranger. Who was this man, and why did they choose to die together?
The sinister truth is within Ryan’s grasp, but he has no idea of the desperate lengths Laura will go to…
Because the best thing about being a Good Samaritan is that you can get away with murder.
My Review: This is the 4th book I’ve read by John Marrs and those eagle eyed readers will notice that it’s the 3rd book I have a cameo part in and a lovely mention in the acknowledgements. I was asked to read this book months ago before the editing and proof readers had been through it, but I declined because if I’m honest I love John’s stories so much I wanted to wait for the final version and enjoy it like any other reader would.
Boy am I glad I waited. The Good Samaritan has all the trademarks of a “Marrs Novel”, disturbed psychopaths, intricately woven plotlines, clever character development and twists by the bucket load.
It takes a talented author to bring such damaged characters to life and then to get the reader to feel empathy towards them and this is something John Marrs has a knack for. My sympathy and emotions for the two main characters were alternating back and forth so much I actually felt giddy.
In my opinion this is another superb 5 star book written by a truly talented author who I also have the honour of calling my friend.