Unique Blogger Awards #UBA

Thank you so much to the wonderful Helen at BaatyaboutBooks for the Unique Blogger Awards Nomination.

I accept the challenge with pride.


  • Share the link to the blogger who has shown you love by nominating you.
  • Answer the questions.
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate up to 5 people for the same award
  • Ask them 3 questions.


How many book clubs are you a member of  (if any) and are they online or “real”?

Well, obviously I am a member of THE Book Club (TBC) on Facebook as I set it up in October 2014, I have just had a quick look and I am also a member of 7 other Facebook online groups (you can never have too many good book recommendations).  I am NOT a member of any real clubs and doubt I would join one.

If you could work within the book world what would be your ideal job?

Ooooh I would love to be paid to read books and eat chocolate all day long… but it would have to be books that I want to read.

They say everyone has a book in them, do you and what genre would it be?

If you mean do I have any interest in writing a book – categorically NO – NEVER – NO WAY – but if my life was to be turned into a book I would say it would fall under the zombie/romance/humour genre.

I now nominate:

My 3 Questions to you are:

  1. What book do you wish you could read again for the first time?
  2. If someone was going to write your life story what would the title be?
  3. If you could meet any author (alive or dead) who would you choose and what would you ask?