A dark, satirical thriller by the bestselling Japanese author, following the perilous train ride of five highly motivated assassins—soon to be a major film from Sony Nanao, nicknamed Lady Bird—the…
The Murder of Miss Perfect – Mark Eklid
Detective Chief Inspector Jim Pendlebury almost died at the end of his last big case. Three years later, he is struggling to cope with forced retirement and the frustration of…
Exit – Belinda Bauer
Meet Felix Pink. The most unlikely murderer you’ll ever have the good fortune to spend time with. When Felix lets himself in to Number 3 Black Lane, he’s there to…
No Secrets – David Jackson
THEY ALL BELIEVE HIMBUT SHE KNOWS HE’S LYING Izzy is cursed. She has highly developed empathic abilities that mean she can read the emotions of those close to her. And…
Blogtour – Hostage – Clare Mackintosh
You can save hundreds of lives.Or the one that matters most . . . The atmosphere on board the first non-stop flight from London to Sydney is electric. Celebrities are…
The Guest House – Robin Morgan-Bentley
KEEP YOUR FAMILY SAFE.WHATEVER THE COST… Jamie and Victoria are expecting their first baby. With a few weeks to go, they head off for a final weekend break in a…
Wrong Place Wrong Time – Gillian McAllister
Late October. After midnight. You’re waiting up for your son. He’s late. As you watch from the window, he emerges, and you realise he isn’t alone: he’s walking towards a…
The House of Ashes – Stuart Neville
For Sara Keane, it was supposed to be a second chance. A new country. A new house. A new beginning with her husband Damien. Then came the knock on the…
Chloe Cates is Missing – Mandy McHugh
The disappearance of a young internet celebrity ignites a firestorm of speculation on social media, and to find her a detective will have to extinguish the blaze. Chloe Cates is…
The Undiscovered Deaths of Grace McGill – CS Robertson
DEATH IS NOT THE END. FOR GRACE McGILL IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. When people die alone and undiscovered, it’s her job to clean up what’s left behind – whether…