If what they said was true, then the grotesque and the monstrous ran in her blood. It was imprinted within her very core, her DNA, a part of every cell in her body.
Kat’s children are both smart and well-adjusted. On the outside.
Kat has always tried to treat Imogen and Jemima equally, but she struggles with one of her daughters more than the other.
Because Imogen’s birth mother is a serial killer. And Imogen doesn’t know.
They say you can’t choose your family, but what if your family chooses you?
About the Author:
Elle Croft was born in South Africa, grew up in Australia and moved to the UK in 2010 after travelling around the world with her husband. She works as a freelance social media specialist and also blogs about travel, food and life in London. Her debut novel, The Guilty Wife, is a top 10 Kindle Bestseller.
My Review:
If you like your psychological thrillers full of tension, drama, secrets and twists then you will absolutely LOVE Like Mother, Like Daughter.
Narrated by three characters, Like Mother, Like Daughter tells the story of three women. Sally, a very sick and twisty serial killer currently serving life in prison; Imogen, a sixteen year old girl who doesn’t feel like she fits in with her family and Kat, Imogen’s “mother” who watches her teenage daughter like a hawk for reasons that become clear throughout the book.
This is a story that examines nature vs nuture when Imogen, a troubled and potentially aggressive teenager goes missing after contacting a DNA website and discovering her family have kept the truth from her all her life.
I don’t want to give much away about this book, but I can tell you that I was absolutely HOOKED and gripped throughout. Like Mother, Like Daughter is a chilling read, especially reading Sally the Serial Killer’s chapters… that women is batsh*t crazy. My heart broke reading Imogen’s version of events as a confused, hormonal teenager trying to fit in but feeling left out and different and Kat, the worried and concerned mother who perhaps overlooks the truth because she is so worried about her daughters past.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it.